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Team Building / Jeux d’aventures & cohésion

Les Travaux d’Astérix

Immersive team building. Experience a Gallic adventure and prove your bravery and courage to become the big winners of Les Travaux d'Astérix.

Prove your bravery and courage in an immersive Gaulish adventure!

Clash of the titans, magic potion, the bard’s melody, the serving of beer… Numerous challenges supervised by our animators will immerse you in the Asterix and Obelix theme.

Combine strength and strategy to make the most of everyone’s skills and try to become the big winners of the Travaux d’Astérix.

Fiche technique

Thème : Fantasy
Activité : Outdoor
Groupe : 15 to 500 people
Collaborateurs par équipe : 4 to 10 people
Timing : 1h30 to 3h
Saison : all year round
Remise de prix : reward for the winning team

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